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Turmeric for Health Benefits

The benefits of turmeric are very diverse forms, especially for the world of health, turmeric or often also called curcuma is one type of spices native to Southeast Asia including Indonesia. turmeric or curcuma is indeed famous as one of the seasonings for a variety of dishes, but in addition to these benefits it turns out that turmeric has thousands of other benefits including health and beauty benefits. The extraordinary efficacy of turmeric is indeed inseparable from the ingredients contained in it. Turmeric contains compounds commonly called curcuminoid compounds, which are compounds that are very nutritious as a healing medium, curcuminoids themselves also consist of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and also other substances such as essential oils, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, starches, vitamins and minerals .
One of the diseases that can be cured with the benefits of turmeric is Magg. This disease is very disturbing when it attacks pain, pain and sometimes it causes nausea which is very disturbing activity. Magg disease occurs because of the presence of wounds in the gastric mucosa due to an imbalance between the secretion of pepsin or gastric acid and mucus. Stess, irregular eating patterns and happy consumption of coffee can trigger increased stomach acid production.
But for those of you who suffer from Magg disease, you don't need to worry anymore because the treatment for Magg can be done easily and cheaply by using turmeric as medicine. There are several ways that you can use to get turmeric's properties:
first step

    Prepare 2 to 3 turmeric segments
    Wash turmeric - turmeric is clean
    Peel the outer skin
    Grated turmeric and then squeeze and take the water to drink.
    Done twice a day

Second way

    Prepare 5 turmeric segments
    Wash thoroughly
    Cut the turmeric into several parts
    Boil the turmeric filling and cinnamon
    Drink the cooking water when Magg begins to attack.

Third way

    Prepare some turmeric segments
    Peel and then wash thoroughly
    Grate the turmeric and then boil it until it boils
    Filter boiled water and mix with raw egg yolks and sugar

So many ways that can be used to cure magg with the benefits of turmeric. The method you use depends on your taste.


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