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11 Benefits of Red Ginger for Health, Overcoming Cough-Erectile Dysfunction and corona or covid virus deterrent 19

corona or covid virus deterrent 19

The benefits of red ginger are not inferior to other types of ginger. This rhizome plant has the Latin name Zingiber officinale of the Rubrum variety which is very useful for various treatments and as an herb plant.

Unlike ginger in general, this type of ginger feels more spicy, smaller in size, and has a red color due to the content of anthocyanin in the skin. There are three types of ginger that are widely used in Indonesia, namely white ginger or emprit ginger, elephant ginger or large white ginger, and red ginger.

The content of Red Jehe
All types of ginger, including red ginger, generally have the same content. Ginger contains water, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, and iron). In addition, the following are various vitamins and compounds in ginger:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Vitamin C
Proteolytic enzymes
Essential oil
While specifically for red ginger, this reddish-looking rhizome plant has a compound that is no less useful for maintaining health. Here are some of the compounds contained in red ginger:

Caprylic acid
Linolenic acid
Resin fiber
Essential oil
Benefits of Red Ginger for Health
Thanks to its various ingredients, red ginger has many properties to overcome various health problems. Here are some of the health benefits of red ginger:

1. Relieve cough
Traditionally, the properties of red ginger have long been used as a drug to treat coughs and sore throats. Usually, this ginger is consumed in the form of tea.

The content of red ginger that makes it nutritious is the nature of warm red ginger that can help cough and sore throat.

2. Relieve Headaches
Do you often feel headaches? If yes, try diligently drinking concoctions made from red ginger.

How to get the benefits of red ginger to overcome headaches is very easy. You simply cut the ginger thinly, then brew it with hot water, and enjoy it while it's still warm.

3. Overcoming Rheumatism
Red Ginger has a content that can reduce pain and reduce swelling. Rheumatism or gout can be overcome by using red ginger.

How to get the properties of red ginger is very easy, boil the red ginger rhizome along with Intersection comedy, cat's whiskers, Java chili, and komfrey leaves to boil. This cooking water can be taken twice a day.

4. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
The content in red ginger is very much and is very useful to get rid of toxins in the body, one of which is bad cholesterol in the blood. Bad cholesterol in the blood will inhibit blood flow.

One of the benefits of red ginger is blood circulation and indirectly bad cholesterol in the body will disappear.

5. Overcoming Inflammation
Red Ginger is one of the most widely consumed natural medicines in Indonesia, both for traditional drinks and for treatment. one treatment is to overcome inflammation.

The red ginger rhizome is known to contain phenol compounds including gingerol and shogaol. Gingerol has the greatest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties compared to other gingerols.

6. As an antioxidant
The benefits of red ginger for health because it has natural antioxidant compounds. As we know that antioxidants are useful for protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Too often exposed to free radicals can cause various diseases, including premature aging, hair loss, cataracts, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.

7. As an Antibacterial
Based on the results of research conducted by Mulawarman University, about the effect of red ginger extract mixed in chicken feed on bacterial growth by extraction methods, the result is that red ginger extract inhibits bacterial growth (E. coli and Salmonella sp) in the chicken gastointestinal tract.

The higher concentration of red ginger extract in the diet shows the higher ability to inhibit the growth of the number of enteric microorganism colonies.

8. Overcoming Menstrual Pain
Ginger oil mixed with clove oil may reduce the intensity of menstrual pain in women.

The efficacy of red ginger has been tested for red ginger oil and clove oil which is made into cream with concentrations of 5% and 3%, respectively. This cream has been tested on 30 female students for 12 weeks, applying it to the lower abdomen or lower abdomen.

This cream preparation also shows the results of a non-irritating safety test making it safe to use topically.

9. Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Not only to overcome health problems, the efficacy of red ginger can also overcome erectile dysfunction. Red Ginger can traditionally be used to treat sexual dysfunction. This is thanks to the oleoresin compound in red ginger that functions as an aphrodisiac.

Not without reason, research on red ginger has been carried out to compare the aphrodisiac effects of essential oils and extracts of essential oils in male rats orally for 32 days. The results show that the essential oil from red ginger increases libido.

While red ginger ethanol extract and red ginger powder do not increase libido and sexual activity.

10. Helps to lose weight
The benefits of red ginger for this diet you can get by drinking red ginger water regularly. Red Ginger can help burn fat in the stomach and reduce appetite.

Although very useful, but it should be noted that patients with acute gastric ulcers should not consume too much, because it can cause a burning sensation in digestion.

Likewise for those of you who suffer from heartburn, because drinking too much red ginger water can worsen the pain.

11. Eliminating Acne
Not only for health, red ginger is also very beneficial for beauty. One of the benefits of red ginger for beauty is that it can get rid of pimples.

How to get rid of pimples using red ginger is very easy. Ginger that has been cleaned enough to be gently massaged on the face and then cover the entire face with sliced ​​red ginger.

How to consume red ginger
Similar to ordinary ginger, you can consume red ginger like other ways in general. Here are some tips that you can apply if you want to consume red ginger:

Eat pink ginger directly.
Consuming mashed fresh red ginger for cooking spices and the main ingredient of natural spice drinks.
Choose dry red ginger or powder for brewing or mixing drinks.
Consuming red ginger oil, with the right dose and method of use.
Avoid adding lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners to ginger drinks because it can interfere with the absorption of antioxidants that exist in ginger.
Consumption in moderation, limit consumption of ginger to a maximum of 1 to 2 thumb segments or half or 1 tablespoon of red ginger powder in one day.
Although some studies say there are many health benefits of red ginger, some of these findings still need further study. If you are hesitant to consume red ginger, you should consult with your doctor first, Healthy Friend!


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